Posted on Sat, 23-Sep-2023Tue, 03-Oct-2023 by pamAurlandsfjellet “Snow Road” – Norway 20/26 Happy Autumn Equinox! A kaleidoscope of changing colors invites us to explore. Our first stop on the Aurlandsfjellet Snow Road is a waterfall which is being guarded by this sheep: Baaa baaa ra! A powerful amount of water makes this an enjoyable wander. Wow. The overlook called Vedahaugane is spectacular today. Coming out of the “Bear’s Den” art exhibit, looking for a meal. Vedahaugane Looking the other direction it is blanketed with red on the Aurlandsfjellet Snow Road No snow today! Several nice lakes as the clouds move in. Is that a canyon? Or is there a fjord ahead? The fjord view point Stegastein. What a fun way to end our travel across the Snow Road. The view of the fjord and Aurland. Flam is around the bend where we enjoyed a picnic lunch.