Posted on Sun, 27-Dec-2015Tue, 29-Dec-2015 by HenryBuenes Aires NWR — Mustang Trail Arivaca is about 30 minutes or so southwest and is known for birding. A cienega is when the bedrock pushes a river to the surface in what otherwise looks like an arroyo. There was not much river on the surface. We did see a pair of eagles catching some thermals, a family of 4 deer, and some other little birds. Another stop in the refuge is the 5-mile Mustang Trail that goes through Chaparral type landscape, with one giant Saguaro! From the summit looking north with the cottonwood lined creek in the valley far below. Looking west from the summit. We dubbed the one peak Arrowhead. We had a sunny picnic lunch looking south towards Mexico. Our phones warned us we were no longer using US cell service so we turned them off.