On the road we head south along Innik Fjord (Nordfjord) on a rainy sort of day. But we could still appreciate the grandeur.At the top of the map – we left Stryn heading south to Fjaerland (in bold on map), then down and up to Gjerde to explore the east side. The Jostedalsbreen glacier, the largest glacier on the European mainland.Fjaerland is at the end of another fjord (Sognefjorden) – and as we have now learned all these fjords are carved by glaciers. We have come here to see another branch- Boyabreen- which you can if you look closely through the high humidity.If you have looked at any promotional brochures of Norway you will have seen this well placed sauna with a view in Fjaerland.Meeting up with some ice explorers and scientists at the world class Norwegian Glacier Museum.This is as close as we got today to the glacier – the Boyabreen Glacier branch.Always relieved to find some conveniences especially in such scenic locations.A lush green high humidity rainy sort of day was our best chance of exploring the east side of Jostedalsbreen NP. There were more waterfalls and water on this route than we remember ever seeing anywhere – obviously abundant due to the rain quantity.This unique visitor center – Breheimsenterret – seems to extend right from the glacier itself (seen flowing down the valley at the right)It reminded me of a Viking helmet from this direction. Museum is in lower level with a good movie with screen that goes up, curtains open for large window to view glacier – National Park worthy experience.Really the best way to spend a rainy morning! A waffle with strawberry jam or a sweet local pastry with fresh brewed coffee. Universal…Clouds seem to lift so we drive toll road to Nigardsbreen Glacier.The glacier melt off has left this beautiful milky lake. The boat will cut 20 minutes off the 45 minute hike to touch the glacier but we thought hiking on wet rocks in the rain was not going to be worthwhile.So we picniced in our car while watching the clouds play, tried to count all the waterfalls, and enjoyed the lush green from all the moisture.The force of the waterfalls is breathtaking. We may not have experienced what we planned but we appreciated our explorations and the many moods of the landscape.