We kayaked Thanksgiving morning after putting the turkey in the oven. Jumped on the bikes a few more times as well, for a total of 2,700 miles and 168,000 feet of vertical climbing of riding in 2021.We enjoyed a few more evenings of happy hour on the balcony.There were amazing Nov/Dec sunsets even tho the temperatures cooled down very quickly.Several bucks spent the night in our back yard which was a huge surprise.The morning of December 10 we woke up to 14″ of snow and lake partially frozen.By late afternoon the lake was completely thawed and the wind sculpted the snow into drifts.That evening we watched the lake “smoke” and freeze instantly into this ice skate rink clear ice.The morning of the Dec 12th the lake was covered in popcorn type formations but really……they were hoary ice crystal castles like these on the shore.We love that the foxes come visit us when they can walk across the ice.They seems very curious and playful. Usually they move too fast to capture a photo.How wonderful this fox paused for a picture!This is how far south the sun sets at 4:51 MST December 20. Nine hour 20 minutes of sunshine here.Winter solstice sunrise (7:30 Dec 20) also far south for our wonderful south facing solar heat gain.All the ingredients to start the New Year off merrily.Four feet of snow by 12/30 caused some plow guy troubles.And a Happy New Year 2022 to all…