Japanese Garden area in Beautiful Mejeir Gardens near Grand Rapids was our first stop taking Mom on a mini-vacation.The Zen garden with wonderful raked patternsThere are a lot of sculptures that are a permanent collection.Appreciating all the colors on a warm autumn day.Mom with Deborah Butterfield’s Cabin Creek bronze horse looking very natural in the tall grasses.Sunset from our suite at Shoreline Inn in Muskegon. Mom had lots of reward points that were expiring so we stayed in style. Thanks Mom!Mother and Daughter at Holland State Park.We had a great day-trip to Holland and enjoyed many of the waterfront areas.Sunset on Lake Michigan before returning to the hotel.A day-trip to Grand Haven to enjoy another light house along Lake Michigan.Artistic angle as we walked under the catwalk to the end of the pier.Picnic lunch along Grand Haven River before it empties into Lake Michigan.The restaurant patio at the hotel looked very inviting so we went down for an early dinner.Look at the whitefish dinner. WOW. Gorgeous and Yummy. Enough for leftovers the next night.Another sunset at Pierre Marquette city park in Muskegon.Our next day trip was heading a bit north to the White River Light Station.Picnic lunch at the Muskegon River with the submarine museum floating in the back ground.Forth beautiful sunset melting into Lake Michigan – such a treat for all of us.