Posted on Wed, 17-Feb-2021Fri, 05-Mar-2021 by pam2/5: Valley of Fire/Three River Petroglyphs Sotol yuccas grow on Pahoehoe, ropy like lava fields at BLM Valley of Fires. A collapsed layer gives access to a cave. Lava flowed from Little Black Mountain on the horizon. The flow was 44 miles long and up to 160 foot depth, and covered 125 square miles. It is one of the youngest flows in the USA – maybe 2,000 years ago. Camped looking out over the Tularosa Valley with the entire lava flow. A wonderful twisted 400 year old juniper. An afternoon with interesting cloud formations gave us some additional photography fun. They lingered for us to enjoy a picturesque sunset. We next camped less than an hour south near prehistoric Jornada Mogollon rock art. The Sierra Blanca in the back ground is not very blanca today. There are over 20,000 petroglyphs here at BLM Three Rivers Petroglyphs. An impressive amount of rock art on the 2 mile hike. It was fun to find them hidden among the boulders. Back to Valley of Fires for electrical hookup to sit out a cold and windy storm. We glamped inside with good food, interesting books, and non stop heat. Dusting of snow on the Pahoehoe – like a zebra, with no two stripes alike. The sotols add a nice green to the scenery – quite memorable.