Hiking Methuselah Trail in the Schulman Grove of the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest in California.Located in protected area, high in the White Mountains, part of Inyo National Forest.Same species of bristlecone pines as we just saw in Great Basin National Park in Nevada, the oldest discovered living trees in the world.To further the story of the oldest trees on earth, read about Dr Shulman and the Methuselah tree.We found a beautiful forested area to camp outside of Mammoth Lakes to explore that region of the Eastern Sierras.We hiked a bit of the Ansel Adams Wilderness in Reds Meadow Valley, in Devil’s Postpile National Monument.101 foot Rainbow Falls on the San Joaquin River was a nice destination. We did see a little bit of rainbow in the mist.We enjoyed a lunch break on the wonderful rocks. This photo was taken on a bridge that is on the Pacific Crest Trail.A unique natural artistic display of pine cones.Devils Postpile National Monument 60 foot high columnar basalt – made from volcanic lava many years ago.These were then worn down by glaciers creating a very interesting patio type area of the hexagonal tops.This gives a sense of the scale. Read more about this interesting geology.On the road again, laughing…Mono Basin National Forest Scenic AreaIs it a gorgeous day or is it a gorgeous day?! It brought out the Ansel Adams in both of us. This could be the best shot…Or is this the best photo?There are a type of sand flies that breed here. We learned they were a source of protein for native cultures.Keep safe! A fisherman on the river across from where we camped slipped on a wet rock. Several of us campers and his son lend aid until the professionals arrived. It reminded us all to be careful out there.