We spent a night in Ft Collins with friends we had met in Tucson – had a great time and slept in their driveway! We then worked our way up the Cache de la Poudre National Scenic River – the only one in Colorado. It is running full and many were enjoying it.The Cache de la Poudre Falls. We stopped many times along the river to enjoy it.We camped about 3 miles from the Shambala Center so did a tour around it in the morning. Very beautiful setting surrounded by the National Forest.We turned at Chambers Lake to follow the Laramie River towards Wyoming. Beautiful country!We found a Lost Lake along the way where we enjoyed some tranquility.This is Moose Country and we felt really lucky to have a sighting.We hiked West Branch Trail that started at this spot.We only went about 3.5 miles before the trail was completely overtaken by the river. We were not up for a wet crossing so just enjoyed the ferocity of the current with a picnic lunch.The spring green colors along the trail.Henry wedged the Travato along the river for a few nights at this sight. It was quiet and very peaceful.We did not have any great sunsets but this is the river view from our campsite.We got in a few S’Mores before the intense rain storm. Life is good!