At the end of Star Pass, we started hiking the David Yetman trail with our friends. This also went to Bowen ruins, where we enjoyed a picnic lunch, and Lee Hidden Canyon for the return journey.And here we are adding some contrast to the saguaros. It was a really pleasant day with the temp around 60 – perfect for desert hiking. Last year we all did a hike together on the 31st so maybe this is going to be a new tradition?Aren’t they such a cute couple?A chain cholla forest because you are probably getting tired of our saguaro photos!On the trail again after lunch…Willey Coyote pausing to check out the MINI.A few days earlier we had started at the West trail head near Gates Pass. The entire trail is 12 miles so we have left a chunk in the middle un-observed by us.Saguaro National Park West adjoins this park and was once a part of it – same beautiful scenery.Nice weather warmed up to the low 60’s. Perfect for a hike!It is amazing how green the desert is in December!A good rest at the end of the David Yetman West hike.