Posted on Thu, 12-Mar-2020Thu, 19-Mar-2020 by pamDolmens and Bay of Roses We headed north to hike the Megalithic Dolmen Route. What a view! Dolmen de la Vinya del Rey in the Alt Emporda Region. Dolmens are basically remains of megalithic tombs. Dolmen del Garrollar was another that looks partially collapsed but not by me! One of these top stone slab weighs 18 tons. Dolmen de la Talaia. These megaliths are neolithic or new stone age when these people arrived about 4500 BC from North Africa. Dolmen de les Vinyes Mortes is another prehistoric monument right at the crest of the hill. Wait – did Henry just get younger? Is this photo from 13 years ago?!!! Hey – is that the same jacket? Once you find a good travel jacket it is so hard to let go. Dolmen de Puig Margall is the last one on our 4-mile steep loop hike. Time for a short break before climbing back to the car. We followed a few more twisties up the mountain… Romanesque Monastery St Pere de Rodes was built on site of a Roman fort. Back then this was a popular start of Camino de St James. It has an unbelievable view of the Cap de Creus. This must be what if feels like to soar like an eagle. Nearby Church of Santa Helena de Rodes and the medieval village of Santa Creu de Rodes housed the pilgrims as well as workers. Are you ready to start the walk across Spain, pilgrim? Let’s storm the gate!