The Brittle Bush blooms were amazing – we missed the height when we were in Florida.One of my favorite locations with the Palo Verde in bloom. The canyon is so green!Ocatillos in bloom as well.The Gila Monsters are out of hibernation. How cool is this!We got a hike in to Hutches Pools – a very hot day but still nice water in the creek.Looking the other direction into a little canyon.Gorgeous cactus blooms!And a nice spot for a picnic lunch.The hike is 8 mile roundtrip from Shuttle Stop #9.The Cholla in bloom – there was quite a variety of colors.This is “our” saguaro, taken from the Winnebago Travato in early morning.A close up of a cactus wren and the flowers of the saguaro.This one was even more prolific! What a sight to see.We feel really lucky to have spent the winter here and to be able to appreciate all these lovely views. We trimmed some branches at this site.An end of season pizza party – make your own and bake on the grille.Group shot of the winter maintenance team – employees and volunteers.We are “hot stuff” with our matching socks!The parting shot as the neighboring 5th wheel has headed towards home a day before us…