Winnebago Travato 59K Custom Shelf

Overhead personal shelf was added above each bed to hold our phones, tablets, books, glasses and other misc items at night.
We thought an in-basket was about the right size and height. After much research, the Staples Black Wire Mesh Stackable Letter Tray looked durable and relatively easy to mount. To order:
End closest to cab was mounted with ¾” wood screws and a washer through the existing wood cabinet end brace. The speaker covers were unscrewed to make it easier to attach.
End closest to bath was mounted with ½” x ½” angles. First attached angles to letter tray with ½” bolts, washer and a self-locking nut. Then attached to cabinet above with through bolts, washer, and self-locking nut. Holes were pre-drilled through wood cabinet.
The front is installed a slightly higher than the back so items will be less likely to fall out if forgotten before movement. The shelf liner was added to keep from scratching our electronics.

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